Today i did the weirdest thing that i did since the beginning of 2008...
I started Studying
I can't remember when was the last time i studied so seriously but i guess this is making up for the empty gap in my life at the moment. Therefore i braced and took out all my books and notes.
Economics was harder than i thought. I started from chapter 1 and at first i thought it would be as easy as reading a LadyBird book. I was so wrong!
It required mathematics that i learned in secondary school for me to solve equations and they didn't even bothered to explain the maths.
Luckily i am still fine with a bit of math and managed to pull through.
I was studying seriously until i receive a message from Joshua on MSN and engaged a conversation with him.
After a while, a polymate of mine logged into MSN using his mobile phone.

I read the note as you can see on this picture that he may be charged per message received.
Playfully, i started sending him multiple rubbish messages to irritate him and hopefully they bill him for it too.Though he didn't reply, i am sure he would be irritated for the flood despite the charge.
Well another week has passed so quickly and less than 2 weeks time the year of my rat will arrive though according to a Hong Kong foreteller published in the newspaper that the rat will face life dangers in this year.
Lets just hope and pray that not only rats but everybody will be able to live safely from harm and i would be able to carry on updating my blog in many years to come.
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