Yesterday when i was at school, My friend actually brought some souvenirs back from his business trip in China. As described yesterday that i was tired therefore i didn't thought of taking pictures of them so that i could share with you. But hey, i am making it up for you today and here they are:
These are cigarettes that can be found over there and according to my friend, it cost only about S$1 or less after the coversion.

However the thing that i am find amusing are the packaging. I particularly like the 喜喜 Double Happiness.
He also brought back, erm...
Hope from sharing this with you wouldn't put u off my blog haha..
Right.. Enough of the lovely souvenirs.
On my way home, the familiar monsoon returned again. Luckily on my way home today, i happened to bump into my sister who shared an umbrella with me until we got home.
Today's monsoon was as nasty as yesterday's but thank god it only got into it's best performance when i am waiting for the elevator. Today i recorded a video of the rain instead of pictures to give you a feel of the weather.
To be honest, i like watching the rain. I would stare at it like people stare at the sea. It has a calming effect over me. Like the sea and sometimes better, it planes out the cragged mind devastated from the cruelty of the world.
The rain's magical effects:
-Drives all the noisy kids home from void decks and playground.
-It's rhythm and pattering melody meant it covers up the noises produced from my neighbourhood especially when they yell from their houses.
-This monsoon also meant that they have to shut their windows preventing the rain from wetting their house and resulted the noise concealed within their own premises.
-Vehicles especially motorcycles got to slow down and reduces the engine and exhaust noise that contributes stress and annoys people.
Tomorrow i will be back to my job routine. See you soon again.
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