Today i did the weirdest thing that i did since the beginning of 2008...

Today i did the weirdest thing that i did since the beginning of 2008...
Yesterday i was going to the bathroom to wash up and sleep when i spotted a couple of cockroaches loitering in my kitchen.
I am ashamed to say that recently my kitchen had an increase in numbers of cockroaches as the owner, my mum, is most of the time out working and didn't have time to keep things clean as she did. In fact, everything she did in the kitchen these few days were sloppy and hasty as she was rushing most of the time. Thus resulted an unkempt kitchen. I am not blaming her though. I understand that she needs to work to keep the family healthy and at the end of the day, she is obviously too tired to do any cleaning or tidying up.
I yelled "bee bee" to Geeyon(my dog), who interprets as "cockroach" and rushed over to hunt for it along with my guidance. That was taught by my mum and instead of saying cockroach, "Bee-bee" is easier to deliver and simpler for a dog to understand. Geeyon is always excited about hunting cockroaches. Sometimes even when i lost sight and gave up, he would still sniffs and look around for another 5-10 minutes before he retreats disappointingly.
Here is a short clip of the action yesterday:
After he murdered that first one and i was about to put away my phone before going for a shower, amazingly he found his second prey taking cover in a tiny gap between the cabinet door and wall.
I then opened the door and he immediately charged in and bit the cockroach like a snake stinging his target.
While he was having fun with his second victim, i noticed another small cockroach trapped inside a transparent glove. After he was done with his second, i shook out the third and as excited as usual he carried on playing with it.
After he defeated the three, he would stand guard and watch if they would still stand up and crawl away.
I have got an advice for everyone who is reading this:
If you want to kill the cockroaches in your home in a more environmental friendly, less toxic and fun way,
Don't buy a pesticide/insecticide. Get a Jack Russell!!
Yesterday is the last day of the Roadshow. Gina was here to sell Complete as her promoters were all unavailable until afternoon. At the same time she also ran out of lenses. She was kind enough to support me even though she had never wear my lenses before. She bought a PV package from me and being friends and all that, i gave her a lot of trial lenses for free. Managed to do that as my colleague had not arrive yet until afternoon. Her promoter arrived at around 1330-1400hr and she left after that.
Causeway pt as usual was being a bad host to my roadshow. Even after Jonathan arrived at 1330hr, our sales were pitiful. JnJ was doing surprising well in the evening after dinner time. Aloysius was one of reason behind the phenomenon. He convinced many to buy with his regular unorthodox ways of giving many free trial lenses. For example, he converted a PV customer to Oasys. Naturally PV package will be more affordable and from what i can see, it matters to the customer. I saw him calculating and topping up free lenses for the customers until it is more worth it than our lens.
However there is nothing i could do as we are restricted from giving free lenses and you got to give credit to Oasys as this newly developed lens is indeed more comfortable if you ask me as i had been using it since last friday accompanied with Renu. The performance of the lens is miraculous. Even the brand name sounds better. It is like comparing Gucci and Giordano.
As sales was pretty hopeless, i took my time and strolled to the food court to get Cavana's Lemon Chicken rice. On the way up, i also took some photos shots of the Lion Dance performance at the atrium of Causeway Point. Here are some to show you.
I took this picture from the 4th storey. I didn't find it excitingly fantastic as those competition on TV. But the troupe appeared to be rather proud of themselves. Every start and end of the performance, they would carry their Malaysian flag and ran round once the performance floor gloriously.
And these are the people who are fascinated with the performance...
If you think that i am just a wet blanket, here is a video that i recorded initially when i was excited and stop recording when i got bored.
At the end of the day, Acuvue triumph over the other brands at 42 boxes of lens sold.
I wasn't very much bothered as i was pretty used to it already.
Anyway B&L were the ones that neglect themselves by being miserly over trivial things like trial lenses.
For me, i prefer to take things minute so that i could live a happier life.
Yesterday when i was at school, My friend actually brought some souvenirs back from his business trip in China. As described yesterday that i was tired therefore i didn't thought of taking pictures of them so that i could share with you. But hey, i am making it up for you today and here they are:
These are cigarettes that can be found over there and according to my friend, it cost only about S$1 or less after the coversion.
He also brought back, erm...
Hope from sharing this with you wouldn't put u off my blog haha..
To be honest, i like watching the rain. I would stare at it like people stare at the sea. It has a calming effect over me. Like the sea and sometimes better, it planes out the cragged mind devastated from the cruelty of the world.
The rain's magical effects:
-Drives all the noisy kids home from void decks and playground.
-It's rhythm and pattering melody meant it covers up the noises produced from my neighbourhood especially when they yell from their houses.
-This monsoon also meant that they have to shut their windows preventing the rain from wetting their house and resulted the noise concealed within their own premises.
-Vehicles especially motorcycles got to slow down and reduces the engine and exhaust noise that contributes stress and annoys people.
Tomorrow i will be back to my job routine. See you soon again.
Well.. 14th used to be a memorable number every month for me but unfortunately that was to be forgotten since the beginning of this year.
After i thought i was the only one having a bad kick-off this year, a local TV comedian and marvellous entertainer, Jimmy Nah(aka. MC king), passed away recently.
Today i went to school as usual for Econs and PBF. I was really tired as i had been working a lot last week since thursday and had little rest. Though tired, i'd thought to use a little of my supposedly bedtime now to update my blog a little.After school and along the way home, the monsoon arrived. My umbrella was completely useless with the powerful wind that blows the rain into my sheltered boundary. Managed to take a few pictures from my room when i got home.
Some of you probably got no idea what i meant by a bad start this year for me. I would say the song "I'm Getting Over You" by The Click Five partly describe the ordeal that i am going though halfway now. Therefore for the passed few days I had been bracing myself by burning my phone's battery on the music player allowing it to heal my soul eventually.
Alright it is time for bed now. Hopefully I will be able to update again tomorrow with something interesting that i have in mind. Hehe..
A brand new blog for 2008. This is the mark for a brand new beginning i presume for myself. Though this entry wasn't on the first day of 2008 but here is a little recap on the things had happened.
01 Jan 2008:
I was at Marina Square watching the fireworks presentation for ushering into a new year. I had to comment that this year's was especially stunning. There were many "special effects" that they have pulled out. For example
-fireworks that had a 2nd burst after it's main
-had different colors, though old trick but still captivating when viewing it
-had shape that look like the planet Saturn (with an orbit around the main spherical burst)
-The Finale was 3 burst of fireworks that after the main burst becomes little sparkles that
looked like twinkle little stars
The massive crowd broke into applauses after the roughly 10 minutes long explosions went down.
When the fireworks were hitting the sky earlier, i can't helped notice that among the crowd, many were holding to cameras. From this, the dull looking crowd viewed by me from the 2nd level of Marina Square turned rather beautiful. The crowd were lit up by numerous LCD screens n flashes from cameras. The flashes resemblance the twinkle stars in the fireworks. Like the fireworks, this is also a rare view as it is hard to get a gigantic crowd like the together and have these camera effects. I call this the "Fireworks of the Audience".
Of course, the journey back home was less beautiful. huge crowd moved out to the MRT station at the same time. Floors left with litters and all the rubbish that people had discard.
MRT did provide an excellent service however. The frequency of train was rush; there were trains arriving on time every 2-3 minutes. Thus each train moved off with a spacious atmosphere for it's passengers and i would really praised MRT for this.
The start of the year was not a good one for me however due to certain personal reasons that i don't want to share here. However i have a belief that a bad start always ends fantastically and let just hope this phrase never fails.
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