The Damned World

Fairytale never exists..

I caught this movie during this weekend. But honestly i wanted to catch the new blockbuster "G.I. Joe" but unfortunately, the tickets that the cinemas have were all unfavorable in some ways. Therefore, UP was the next choice.

I did not regret it. It was really nice. Another Disney movie that was almost flawless. The animation was nice and there were humors involved as well. It was also the first movie that i watched in 3D. So inevitably i got to wear the ugly 3D glasses. But the magic began once that hideously big glasses were being put on. The experience was amazing. The screen turned from the regular cinema image to holographics experience that were only imagined in science fictions.

It threw audience off their seats especially when the object projected is flying very quickly towards you. Regularly, you would not be surprised but seeing those objects floating in front of you and suddenly fly towards you is really something that would keep you awake. Imagine watching a horror film in 3D. Ghost pounced right to you accompanied by an electrocuting sound effects.

For the 3D "UP", i am willing to rate it 8.5 out of 10. But because Disney's plot are straight forward and easy to understand, you probably only will watch it once. A second time would be boring.


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