I noticed that a few months ago, a new product came to my school and they have been selling like hot cakes off the fridge.

I noticed that a few months ago, a new product came to my school and they have been selling like hot cakes off the fridge.
Windows 7 is seriously getting a lot of compliments and because of that, it is getting really appealing to me. I do feel like upgrading my system and have the feel of the new Microsoft revolution. Unfortunately in the recent SITEX, I saw the price of the most basic edition, the home premium, costs over $300. That’s really significant over my wallet.
However, it daunted on me that I do need to do a fresh, new installation of my operating system on my computer as it’s been a long time since it was installed and many things are getting corrupted. There are now so many things in here that I don’t even remember I installed them. But doing all these things required a lot of effort, patience, time, money and pain to accomplish and frankly I am quite lazy to do them as well.
Right now I guess I will just stick with this and slowly save up for the upgrade. Anyway my system is still very stable, just that the mess is really starting to bug me.
Some of you might have already seen me mentioning this on the new feature of my blog, my Twitter. I said that the HP customer service wasn't that fantastic as I was told. Last week, I went to collect my laptop back from the customer service centre and it turned out that my thoughts were accurate.
The customer service was below mediocre frankly. I didn’t feel any friendly staffs at all.
They were all seemingly unhappy staffs, except during the moment when they were chatting among themselves.
When I arrived at the information counter at the entrance, I was asked for my purpose of visit in a rather stern tone. Then, after she passed me the relevant queue ticket, I asked about a ‘trade up offer’ advertisement on a poster that was hung next to the counter. Astonishingly, she told me to ask the customer service officer when it was my turn.
When it was my turn, the officer took my receipt and when to fetch my laptop. After a while he came back and looked at the service report and told me what was basically written there.
I visited the service center because the speakers in my laptop had packed up. Therefore I was quite puzzled when he told me that the technician had replaced the LCD panel in my laptop instead. So I asked, he stared at the paper and then gave me some muffled random shit which bear no relation to my question.
I asked if I can try the laptop to make sure that the speakers are working after they replace the LCD panel ironically. He then told me to try at the waiting area instead of at his counter.
Finally when I asked about the trade in advertisement, he merely passed me a piece of paper, which I had to prompt him to give me after listening to some very vague answers again.
I had to say, the staffs were PATHETIC. The only thing they can do is to take the items, pass to the technician and then return it to the customer without proper interaction skills or basic product knowledge or system of answering to customers.
HP should stands for How Pathetic!
I was having dinner at Swenson's the other day. One of the fries on my plate was pretty unusual.
Now firstly, i apologize for the picture quality.
If you look at that fries, there is a potato stalk and one of it's ends. I don't know about you guys but I have never seen this before. If there was, i thought the chef would remove it or something. But plainly, the Swenson's chef just want to leave me some amusement.
My Horoscope for today:
"Experiences you might never have expected could come your way today, dear Scorpio. A talent that you didn't know you possessed could come to light. This could involve the combination of arts and technology, such as graphic arts or animation, or it might involve spiritual or humanitarian work of some kind. You might also try your hand at fundraising for a charity or for a social or political cause. Don't hesitate - go to it!"
How accurate are these things. Sometimes I really wonder.
Friday the 13th November was quite a havoc night. It was JS's birthday and we were supposed to be celebrating it. The plan was to meet at Wala Holland Village. However that place screws, so we have to switch to another venue. They had chosen Villa Bali, the place where most people lost their heads shortly afterwards..
There was a light but insignificant drizzle. We arrived and many started ordering expensive boozes. All hard liquor. If I am honest, that was not what i had in mind. i thought they were just going to order some beer and light snacks but i was wrong. Anyway I am rather tight on cash, so I decided to forgo the luxury of splurging on liquid that were pointless, overpriced and awful. Immediately after the booze arrived, they got straight into the business of terrorizing JS, the birthday boy. They got him to drink at first, followed by waxing him and tearing off his chest hair and some other areas. After that was bottoms up in many rounds.
Soon, delirium filled many who drank. Things started to get obvious…
They say when I person is half sober, they are more transparent. Their theory can be verified yesterday. There were many scenes. Some where really unexpected. That was where I saw the blemishes within. JS’s limelight diminished. The rest of the night was about individuality. That brought about some questions; were they here to truly just to celebrate the birthday or were there other things on their mind.
Apart from those who drank, the sober ones did some things unexpected as well. Which made it even more appalling. However for someone who is long dishearten in humanity, all these are redundant and unimportant. The perdure though is fuzzy and profound to elucidate.
Thursday, 25th October, 4th date. Our progress halted. I couldn’t do anything to bring us to the next level.
I was thinking what was wrong. What did I not do to improve. I was still on the cough medication and that made me drowsy but I didn’t want to put the blame there.
I kept thinking I wasn’t good enough for her. Maybe that’s my limit, maybe I am unsuitable for her. Maybe that’s it. My body was still aching. There were so many distractions. The thought of giving up was consuming all the my determination.
Just as I was thinking of throwing in the towel, my mentor visited and gave one advice. Naturally I couldn’t wait to try. And you know what?
It worked.
The piece of simple and yet I didn’t think of advice, brought us forward with more stability and ambidextrously. I was delighted.
You might already noticed that there is a Twitter on the right column of my blog. It is actually a new thing that I am trying out. Well I know the renowned Singapore blogger xiaxue has that as well in her blog. But I think it is really a good idea for blogs because essentially, your blog should be your freedom of having anything you want and people read them to see the things you find worth blogging about.
Twittering in your blog get readers to connect to you closer via your blog. It can be updated by just sending a text message via your mobile phone. So if I am shitting in the toilet without anything to read, I can tweet as well.
The only problem right now is mine doesn't seemed to be working yet. The posts are still some rubbish from I don't know who. Give me some time to get it to work okay.
Halloween was fun this year. Not really much on the ghost stuffs but rather the company. We had camwhoring and stay-over. And here is a little Trailer for promoting an upcoming video footage for that fun-filled day.
Thought i share it over here..
My pursue was satisfactory. I didn't get to have much personal time with her. She was so popular that most of the guys were trying too. But i know i have to win her heart. My first try after the camp was hopeless. I couldn't get my limb in let alone the balance. I wasn't disheartened because i know i want to make her mine one day.
I remember the first time i saw and know her was at the camp. She was slim, sexy and hot. Her name was catchy to remember. The first time i heard it, it deeply sank into me. Getting on her is like getting on a piece of rope. No equilibrium. At that time, i honestly think she was not possible. Months had passed. It was time to get back to her again. she was still unwelcoming like before but i know i have to win her heart.
Last Sunday was my second moment with her. I was delighted when i was given time with her but there wasn't much. I want to make very second count. And that made me oblivious to all the discouraging rejections she gave me. I only remember the things she likes to make her mine. Rewardingly, she slowly gives in. I could get on her but only for a short while and we can only retrograde. However i was already very happy.
On Wednesday, i was really lucky to have found more time with her. More than the past. It was almost like a date. We spend hours together. I felt like a kid, asking parents for more time to spend at the playground. Fortunately, it wasn't wasted. We went forth..
I had settled the fees and my timetable issues. That gives me the right to finally collect the Lecture notes that allows me to finally concentrate on my term.
But then look at the amount of notes!
I barely managed to fit them into my bag!
When i went to the room to collect the notes, they stacked everything into a box for me!!
Mind you, these are just the LECTURE NOTES.
There are also study guides and examiners' report that were delivered from the UK. Not forgetting past year papers and other materials such as textbooks.
All these adds up to to probably another 2 times the volume of the above notes.
I am just wondering.. If a bachelor degree has this amount of materials for study, then for Masters i probably need a van instead of a school bag. And for PHD i need a trailer...
The past 2 weeks was really quite packed. So packed that i had to forgo 3 training sessions.
ECR was faulty and i was not able to book my lessons. I had to go down to the school to make them look into the matter more urgently. After they arranged a timetable for me, there was still an issue with it which was rather lengthy so i shall digress. After the ECR matter was settled, i was left with the payment of the school fees and collection of notes. There was also a change of student card.
Besides that, i also had to rush the video project which i am handling at the moment and also to meet the deadline of my data entry job. There was also the student week. When everything put together, it was pretty hectic especially when i had to juggle the night shift and day time chores.
I also had to prepare for my final getaway before my term commences.
However, everything had been done and more manageable now and next week i got a lot of catching up with the classes i had missed in the midst of all these. There are 2 marathon coming and one of it i am still unsure if i will be able to participate or not. But if the chance is given, i will try my best to go for it.
I apologize for the mess everything may seem but things are fine for me and i am kind of delighted with everything.
Bubble tea has entered and left the market a few times. It has even been used as a relevant economics case study at my school. It is not even fashion or technology or collectables and yet its influence on the market made it even to prime time news and documentaries.
Forget all the past brands and phonies. Right now when we talk about bubble tea naturally many people will relate to the dominator of the majority market, Sweet Talk. But in the backstreet, there is actually another kid on the block which may very well kick the dominator in the nuts.
This is it.
And here is their menu
Well yes i know the price is doubled that of Sweet Talk but thrust me, it is more than twice worth it and nicer. They are slightly different though. They comes in 3 sizes of cups. and you can choose the sugar level of your tea. However, i think the sugar level might be another way of telling them how much ice they will be mixing.
I have provided a menu here so anyone who thought of trying can refer for their branches around the island as well as have a rough idea about which drinks to choose.
Took this when my friend is disturbing the cat...
Recently many of my friends were down with fever. For me i had a relapse of throat infection. Took a day off from my routines and plans.
Many people have fell sick at the same time. I am thinking the reason could be the mood swings of the weather and climate. A few weeks ago, i thought the weather finally got cooler. I was so wrong because i am still feeling warm now. Better than the months around May, but still too warm from my comfort zone.
Why can't Singapore be cooler in every aspect damn it.
"Character is like a tree, Reputation like it's shadow.
The shadow is what we think of it, the tree is the real thing"
-Abraham Lincoln
The other day while i was watching the television while having some chips. My dog seemed interested with the chips as well. So i tempted him.
I like his expression a lot. The chances of me giving him those salty chips is nearly zero. Yet that never seem to dampen him from trying.
Good Determination! I shall inherit this value from him.
I shall start by being determined in never giving him any salty chips!
"There is one spectacle grander than the sea, that is the sky.
There is one spectacle grander than the sky, that is the interior of the soul."
- Victor Hugo
"Earth provides enough to satisfy every man's need, but not every man's greed"
-Mahatma Gandhi
"Don't count the Days - Make the Days Count"
"Night time is really the best time to work.
All the ideas are there to be yours because everyone else is asleep"
Recently i tried doing 'online shopping' at the SAF emart. This was my first try at ordering and having the mechandise delivered to my doorstep.
It was pretty simple. After i selected the products i wanted, i will have to choose which day i want to have my mechandise delivered to me. Thats all. The cost will be deducted from my credits. However there was a delivery charge of $5 and that was the only thing i need to pay with cash to the delivery man on that day he arrives.
I selected my mechandise to be delivered on a Friday. However, i received a call on Friday from the e-mart personnel or delivery man, i am not sure. He told me that my mechandises will be delivered on Monday.
He arrived on Monday dressed casually like a normal person on the street. Passed me my package looked like this:
I hope this post would be a useful reference to those who might be googling about ordering for home delivery from the E-mart.
Was traveling home from work about a week ago. Morning recently was more chilly than the last few months which were humid and scorching hot. As a result, the morning air-conditioned buses are rather cold. I was quite fine with the temperature but i saw this man who amused me a little.
The temperature was probably too cold for him and he actually used his newspaper as a blanket.
I think it is brilliant. I really do. All beggars sleeping outdoors should really learn from the man.
Recently i found this puzzle thingy which was given to me by a friend about a year ago.
Heard a lot of supporters for Wei Lian that day.
So i decided to dedicate these clips for his fans.
Enjoy :)
Now if I am honest, the passed few years haven’t been very fruitful in the aspect of my life. Recently, I realized that and I am kind of making it up for myself. I think I was kind of stupid and naive in the past for losing so many good opportunities. However this kind of luxuries come with a price. I got to discipline myself to the fullest in order to manage the other commitments well. Tall order.
But at this point of time, I won't be hindered like the past, which was part of the equation for not equals to what I truly want. Nothing matters anymore but only matters to achieve. Of course, there are other unavoidable issues that I constantly need to address at least until I leave university. Big and helpless issues.
Though there are other things i wish i have, but thinking about it, it is not something that i put in effort alone. Moreover it is more unpredictable in my point of view. Therefore, disappointingly, i am afraid i got to forsake it for a while.
However, I am not young anymore and I am running out of time at a speed, so fast, I wish I could clinch on so tightly to every tiniest bit. I got to cultivate my disciplines for everything fast before it is too late again. New commitments. New disciplines. New cultivations. A whole new life. God bless everything will turn out as I hope. Speak to me..
The passed few weekends i had been working as a temp for Marigold Sudoku Challenge.
There wasn't much things to talk about actually.
Except on one particular matter.
I saw her..
Please don't get your thoughts wild or anything, she is not my lover or anyone special.
She was just my Admin Officer when i was back servicing my nation. I heard she was once a captain as well. And for this particular day, i was her invigilator for a brief 30mins of her life.
She came with another person.
I am not sure how they are related.
It is quite interesting to see what these people are doing in their lifes when they are out of office. People like your teachers, superiors, bosses, instructors, coach, et cetera.
Here is who she came with..
I caught this movie during this weekend. But honestly i wanted to catch the new blockbuster "G.I. Joe" but unfortunately, the tickets that the cinemas have were all unfavorable in some ways. Therefore, UP was the next choice.
I did not regret it. It was really nice. Another Disney movie that was almost flawless. The animation was nice and there were humors involved as well. It was also the first movie that i watched in 3D. So inevitably i got to wear the ugly 3D glasses. But the magic began once that hideously big glasses were being put on. The experience was amazing. The screen turned from the regular cinema image to holographics experience that were only imagined in science fictions.
It threw audience off their seats especially when the object projected is flying very quickly towards you. Regularly, you would not be surprised but seeing those objects floating in front of you and suddenly fly towards you is really something that would keep you awake. Imagine watching a horror film in 3D. Ghost pounced right to you accompanied by an electrocuting sound effects.
For the 3D "UP", i am willing to rate it 8.5 out of 10. But because Disney's plot are straight forward and easy to understand, you probably only will watch it once. A second time would be boring.
I was in a departmental stall a few days ago when my friend pointed out this to me.
It is a coin sorter for Singapore coins. It can also act as a piggy bank (or panda bank)
Without much consideration, i decided to get it for my amusement. It can come pretty handy too especially maybe say when my parents wants to sort coins, with this they dun have use so much eye effort to search the coins. Simply dump them all in until the bank is full.
Today i spent almost all the time on the new Epson Projector that the department bought recently. Although the projector has many types of connection, the staffs here wanted to use the USB. And how unfortunate as it is the only connection that fails to project anything from the systems here.
The responsibility of troubleshooting lies on my shoulders. I read the damn instruction manual several times without any solution. I called the technical support helpline but they themselves are unsure of it and told me that they had bring the issue to their engineers and are waiting for their replies.
It seems apparent that the job of the Epson Technical helpdesk staffs were just inducing patience to the customers and push the troubleshooting job to the engineers at the background whom you cannot speak to. Why not just get rid of the Technical Helpdesk and put the line directly to the Technical Engineers.
Other than that the IT personnel whom i am filling in for, doesn't answers his phone when problems, that only he knows how to solve, arise. He reminded me of the definitive army term called AWOL.
Seems like i am in a pinch.
A little update on what i am doing. The past few days i had been busy completing my permanent part time jobs assignments. It was quite heavy that i hadn't have time to think of what to blog.
This week though, i found another job. I will be in NUS for 2 weeks covering a IT technician who will be on leave. It wasn't the everyday temp job that i found as this is something that require Information Technology Expertises. Something i have never done before.
It is my first day today and i hope everything will be fine and peaceful until the end of next week.
Holidays is ending in about 1.5months time. i just hope to make as much money as i can so that i have less worries about finances during normal academic school days. Times are tough, i can't find a fix 3 months temp job and had ended up in these miscellenious 2-3 weeks temp job.
Oh boy, i hope this bores nobody. Hopefully i something more interesting and favourable will arise.
Yesterday I was playing with my Nokia and while I was connecting to the wifi for updating, I realize that they had launched a new service.
It is an app store service. Well if you don’t have a clue about what it is, let me explain.
Mobile app store has been the most successful service with Apple products. The iPhone and Ipod Touch has been phenomenally popular and successful because of the Mobile App Store. By just using your device to connect to wifi without needing any other systems, you can download the applications, games and many other stuffs some for free and some for a price. There are also trials which has limited functions.
Apple brought out the Mobile App Store and made them successful as applications make their device expandable rather than the story stops after you bought it. Of course there are rooms for you to spend and them to earn. Of course you can get their Apple Software Developer Pack to start creating your own Apple applications and sell them through the App Store. Apple would pocket a share though.
After their successful story, now Nokia also has their own app store known as ‘Ovi Store’ and I also saw that LG had launch theirs too.
Things keep getting interesting.
My contract at Tuas was extended last week for a few more days as they wanted us to do more things.
To speed things up and avoid one of us from idling while the other was using the laptop, we requested for another computer.
Guess what, they gave us this..
What a grandfather clock this thing is.
Pentium 4!
It even has a prehistoric 3.5mm floppy diskette drive!(i think that was what it's called back then?) And a rudimentary cd-rom drive which is only good for music cd and nothing else.
The antique was running on windows XP and it took 7mins and 36secs to load up the user and password verification prompt and another approximately 3 mins to get itself to a useable condition.
You might be thinking what is this thing that looks sort of like a template whereby plastic surgeons use for breast augmentation.
I saw a colleague using this the other day at my 2 week temp job office. My contract will be terminated this Tuesday in which i will have to look for jobs again probably. Bad times. I will just take any job offer i can find.
Alright, that template is actually disc label. You design the layout to your liking then feed that to the printer to have your design printed out on it. Then just paste it onto the cd.
Cadiac arrest. Check it out on the web on your own.
First, i going just lay in some photos from my temp job here for memories.
I finally managed to get some jobs and have started these few days. Wednesday i started a temp job contract for 1 week or so. The first day went pretty peacefully and the second day was faster probably because i got adapted.
It is in Tuas but rather near to residential. On day 1, I misjudged and alighted 1 bus stop before the correct one. Luckily it wasn't an unreachable distance and i was still early. I was attended by a lady from HR in her late 20s who walked like a horse probably because of her high heels. I followed her to the HR department where she digged for some documentation for some time while i stood and waited at a counter-like sort of desk. Shortly after i ran out of things to see, i saw an ant crossing the desk. Bored, i used a transparent acrylic frame and lay it on top of it, watching it struggled in a death trap. To end its miseries, i dragged the frame forwards and backwards slowly, tearing its limbs and body until it was beyond classification as an ant.
She explained to me briefly and discomposedly about the contract, procedures of signing in to work and some miscellenious matters. After that, she gave me an orientation around the whole 3 storey factory building. Thank god only the production area wasn't air conditioned.
There was a corner where we came close to a door with a sign attached to it showing a symbol that resembles a female distinctively. She then said, 'This is the ladies.'
So i replied politely, "Oh. Ok.."
When the orientation was over, i was introduced to my immediate supervisor who was a thin woman in her 40s, likes to point her index finger around in whatever she does and brought sandwiches from home for her breakfast. I then tried to pick up what i need to do from another temp who started working 2 days ahead of me.
The day then dragged on monotonously which was not really worth blogging about.
Day 2 came some pain in the neck when some companies called to offer me jobs after i have gotten one and not when i am idling for the passed few weeks after taking their interviews.
Thats all for a little update about my business. The next few days i would be around working as well. Time to feed the anorexic wallet of mine.
There are 4 of these similiar exhibition and surprisingly, there are many people into technologies.
If you drop by, the entire shopping mall is crowded including food courts, nearby foodcourts, shopping mall, etc. Please be prepared.
Anyway my friend wanted to get some stuffs and needed company as well as advise, so i was there. It was really scary the crowd..
I was at a shopping mall yesterday when i saw a fish doctor service at an introductory price of $5 for 10mins. So we decided to give it a try.
It was damn ticklish. Luckily it was late in the evening and there weren't much crowd to laugh at my countless uncontrollable expressions.
Some spots could trigger me to twitch or fidget. I hoped i didn't injured any of the little fishes as they provided a fantastic service.
On my way home yesterday, i went passed a shop selling some import food, i saw my favourite coke in a different dress and heavier.
After reading the wrapper, i realized that it is from China. It cost $2.05 for this 2.5L. Actually don't know safe to drink or not but heck la. It is not as if i am going to buy that everyday.
Time to try the Made in China coke..
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