The Damned World

Fairytale never exists..

Hahaha i think everybody knows that the Americans and Britishs hate to follow each other's system. They like to develop their own system and expect the rest of the world to follow them.

We have measurements like gallons and litres, miles and kilometres, pounds and kilograms.

In school, if you are doing more to the business stuffs, for accounting we have trade debtors(UK) and Accounts receivable (US).

Quite stupid not having a standardised system right?

My lecturer was irritated and came up with a stupid joke to illustrate the individuality that this 2 nation practice.

Say you go to a cafe, and you saw an Ang Moh. This is how to tell if they are more to the american or british...

Americans will stir their cup of coffee or tea anti-clockwise

While the British (have to be different to Americans), stirs clockwise

I know my drawing very ugly but at least got pictures for you to understand better right...

Eh.. Off the record of that two super power of the world. Here is something else.

Ya ya quite lame joke right. But during lecture in school, it helps when the lecturer side-tracked a bit. Ok. hope you enjoyed your stay here ^.^


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