I noticed that a few months ago, a new product came to my school and they have been selling like hot cakes off the fridge.

I noticed that a few months ago, a new product came to my school and they have been selling like hot cakes off the fridge.
Windows 7 is seriously getting a lot of compliments and because of that, it is getting really appealing to me. I do feel like upgrading my system and have the feel of the new Microsoft revolution. Unfortunately in the recent SITEX, I saw the price of the most basic edition, the home premium, costs over $300. That’s really significant over my wallet.
However, it daunted on me that I do need to do a fresh, new installation of my operating system on my computer as it’s been a long time since it was installed and many things are getting corrupted. There are now so many things in here that I don’t even remember I installed them. But doing all these things required a lot of effort, patience, time, money and pain to accomplish and frankly I am quite lazy to do them as well.
Right now I guess I will just stick with this and slowly save up for the upgrade. Anyway my system is still very stable, just that the mess is really starting to bug me.
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