Well if you are having headaches and didn't know what causes it, perhaps this can help.
A Brand new skin and Label.
Hope it gives you guys a refreshed look
Label : Interesting Articles
Contains cut-outs from reading materials that i came across that is interesting and i would like to share with you over here. Enjoy!
Who is excited about Christmas?
I think a lot of you are already preparing for it. Making plans and everything like decorating your house, preparing presents for your love ones, visit some western countries to get possessed by their Christmas spirits, etc.
But if you are still thinking of ideas for a special Christmas decorations, you had come to the right place!! Well right blog I mean. Traditionally, you would go for a Christmas tree and decorate it with all the bright and sparkling ornaments. But may I suggest these toys inside this video to liven things up a little apart from the must-have Christmas tree.
I don't know how you think of these or you might had them before already last year, but i think they are quite wonderful stuffs to put in your house especially when you are inviting guests or expecting Santa!!
If you are really interested where to get these, feel free to ask me k ;)
It is almost halfway of my semester already and not long after that approaches the Examinations of UOL.
It is a big thing cos it contains 100% weightage unlike other schools that splits a student's academic results into a few papers, projects, attendance or curriculum activities.
Hopefully it won't be a death penalty as it is the previous time
Life in school had always been so interesting, exciting and fun.
The lecturers never lets you tune out. They are very good in capturing your soul as they speak.
They never fail and always keep you awake.
Look how energetic and attentive my friend is during lesson.
The next lesson is different, he is even more damn serious!
The lecturer had his fullest, most powerful concentration ever as shown below.
Oh yea recently I got to replace one of the oldest things in my possession after some consideration. I guess some of you may not even know this brand.
I replaced my ancient IPC keyboard with this new, smaller, sleeker keyboard. IPC keyboard came with the first computer I bought in my life. I still remembered that IPC was a Singapore brand and the model I bought was called MyGenieGold or something when I was in around primary 6.
At that time, it was like Windows 95 running on a 166mhz cpu and 32ram I think. Haha now you might be thinking what the hell especially when you are running the latest Windows Vista Ultimate on Quad-core 3.2 GHz, 8 gigs of ram and all that.
After that one got obsolete, my replacements of computer has always been a market assembled pc fixed up at Sim Lim Square for the more affordable price. The computer I am using now is probably my fourth already. Wonder how many pc can one live to change.
That keyboard was probably 12 years old by now and it is functioning at 100% efficient (Well sadly that’s the only damn thing of the $4000 pc that is working!). It may not be that kind of hardcore antique that your great, great, grandfather had left you with. But for me, I am 24 years old now, that keyboard had followed me half my life now. Incredible when calculated that way.
However it is taking up too much space and I decided to dispose it though it might go into the heritage of Singapore.
Well I guess not everything goes as well as we hoped sometimes even though some of it seemed as simple as it can be. First you had the abated scholarship changing hearts and marooned you. Then you had your efforts wasted along with your essential dependant over prejudiced decisions.
I guessed perhaps it was just bad luck or just not the place for your type to stay. Take it with a pinch of salt as the globe never stops rotating and paths, though difficult, had to be searched.
The next root would have to begin with customized behavior abandoning personal styles and scruples as the world is not obvious as the eye can translate. Recover, readjust, redecorate, refocus and hit the road again would be ideal.

Yes!! The "Public Toilet" which i had blogged about in here had been published. haha!!
You would be thinking how the people at 我报 would liaise with people that feed them the articles like this, then i can tell you that nothing will happen.
You just send and if they like it then they publish it.

Maybe for some bigger issues matters then they might have different way of working. But for now this isn't so bad.

Where the hell did this family came from. The maid was doing the dirty work and the parents probably just hide somewhere as they were no where to be seen.
This is your fellow Singaporean.
Proud to be one yourself?
Yup like the title says, all the Daily Cheeky Cartoons will be entitled.
This is to differentiate them better so that in the future if any of you would like to look back at any of them again, it would be easier for you to find them.
Hope you enjoy reading them and continue to support. I assure you that more will be coming up as well as other series in the future :)
Oh yea Halloween has just passed and it is NOVEMBER!!
This will be a very exciting month. November is always exciting and you may ask why. Well let’s see, I am going to list a few points only because I am then lazy to type sort of person. Lol.
Firstly what I like is that this particular month is very near to Christmas and New Year. So it has an indescribable anticipating sensation of excitement for the festive seasons to come by where everybody starts to take a breath from their normal routines of work, school and other things.
People start to travel at this time of the year, shopping for new stuffs, visiting and gathering with friends etc. Shopping mall also took a step away from their usual and regular appearance and started selling bright and attractive Christmas colored items and also hooked on a refreshing festive appearance.
Next, we have the opening of the new James Bond film, Quantum of Solace! Oh yea the new Bond, Daniel Craig, may not be a looker but his previous one sure was adrenaline pumping. He also carries a unique charisma compared to some of his predecessors. I am definitely catching this one.
The American’s president election is also the big thing in this month. After a long bull fight, it is finally time for the change. In my view, this president, whoever it is going to be, is going to have a bad start as it is the financial crisis presently. It will also reflect his competency. All the best to the new president!
Hmm.. What else we have.. OH yes it is my BIRTHDAY!! Haha the 6th of this month to be precise. Haha but no big deal la right. Just a birthday to celebrate that you are a step closer to your coffin. Pessimistic aren’t I.
Nevertheless that’s what I am excited about November. I am sure you guys have other things to be excited about for this month. Do share with them with me when you see me yea? All the best to our November and take good care of yourself to avoid missing out the fun! Cheers.